

2013年4月30日 星期二

Internet of Things概念



物聯網通過訊息技術、傳感技術把物質世界和電子世界連接起來,實現現實世界和虛擬世界的融合。(Seamless integration of physical things into information Networks, i.e. connecting objects and information about them - real world to information – to the Internet.)

  • 物聯網的英文名稱為“The Internet of Things”,由該名稱可見物聯網就是“物物相連的互聯網”。這有兩層意思:第一,物聯網的核心和基礎仍然是互聯網,是在互聯網基礎之上的延伸和擴展的一種網路;第二,其用戶端延伸擴展到了任何物品與物品之間進行資訊交換和通信。
  • 物聯網的本質概括起來主要體現在三個方面:一是互聯網特徵,即對需要聯網的物一定要能夠實現互聯互通的互聯網路;二是識別與通信特徵,即納入物聯網的“物”一定要具備自動識別與物物通信(M2M)的功能;三是智慧化特徵,即網路系統應具有自動化、自我回饋與智慧控制的特點。
  • 物聯網的定義是通過射頻識別裝置、紅外感應器、 全球定位系統、雷射掃描器等資訊傳感設備,依規範協定把任何物品與互聯網相連接,進行資訊交換和通信以實現智慧化識別、定位、跟蹤、監控和管理的一種網路。 

IoT也就是個M2M world

0'10" 植物聯網
0'40" 車載資訊聯網
1'10" 醫療資訊聯網 (看到1'28"即可)

Intellistreets lights


0'10" 1960年代開始的Internet,現在已經將10憶人連結起來了。
0'32" Internet只連結電腦手機等設備,就已經完全改變人們的社交網絡。
0'44" Internet of Things則是要連結所有的東西
1'00" 譬如鞋子、衣服、玩具
1'48" 到2010年有50億個東西連網了、而2020年將有500億個東西連網


IoT的市場預估可進一步參考這篇"Internet of Things Market Forecast"



1'43" Journey Time Prediction
1'57" Driver Behaviour
2'15" Traffic Incident System



譬如Google Maps的即時路況功能 (API),也是IoT的開始。Google在部落格中指出,其作法是透過結合同一條路上諸多行動電話用的行進速度,甚或橫跨全市任何特定時間數千支手機的移動資料,便可清楚得知當下實際交通狀況。



Streetline ParkSight

Smart Social Bike Sharing: SoBi


Robot Readable World

Public Face Detection: Chicago Faces

智能視覺物聯網 (中國科學院生物辨識與安全技術研究中心)


Color Forecast: Real-time color trends






更多資訊參閱ERICSSON User Experience Lab.

"Tighten the connection between older adults living independently and their families"

2013年4月29日 星期一



Asset Tracking




Wireless Asthma Inhaler: Chameleon

LUMO - Posture Sensing

Wifi body scale by withings

2013年4月26日 星期五


1'35" 生產線監控

Wireless Condition Monitoring System

Essential Asset Monitoring - Pump Demonstration (3'23")


The Silent Herdsman platform


RFID F2F fish, wine, cheese and meat traceability ( insure quality & product safety )


Indoor location tracking by Navizon

Installation and Configuration (1'20")

其他室內定位系統示範 - IndoorAtlas' indoor location technology (1'30")

其他室內定位系統示範 - YFind Positioning System

其他室內定位系統示範 - GAB RTLS Indoor Navigation

其他室內定位系統示範 - SenionLab Indoor Positioning

  • 系統發卡,人員信息導入數據庫
  • 人員定位,定位精度在實際中達到2~3米
  • 展位人流量實時統計功能
  • 展位觀眾停留時間實時統計功能
  • 觀眾參展軌跡查詢功能,如到過哪些展位,停留時間
  • 展位觀眾信息查詢功能,如行業分佈、地域分佈等
  • 觀眾對展位興趣度分析

2013年4月21日 星期日

技術 - IoT Communication

以下內容引用自Postsacpes - Trcking the Tnternet of Things,另外也建議相關課程可參考輔仁大學資工系IoT課程介紹網路層的教材
rfidRFID - ISO/IEC Standards list

"A radio-frequency identification system uses tags, or labels attached to the objects to be identified. Two-way radio transmitter-receivers called interrogators or readers send a signal to the tag and read its response. The readers generally transmit their observations to a computer system running RFID software or RFID middleware.

RFID tags can be either passive, active or battery assisted passive. An active tag has an on-board battery and periodically transmits its ID signal. A battery assisted passive (BAP) has a small battery on board and is activated when in the presence of a RFID reader."
Overview video

Frequency: 120–150 kHz (LF), 13.56 MHz (HF), 433 MHz (UHF), 865-868 MHz (Europe)902-928 MHz (North America) UHF, 2450-5800 MHz (microwave), 3.1–10 GHz (microwave)
Range: 10cm to 200m
Examples: Road tolls, Building Access, Inventory
enoceanEnOcean - ISO/IEC 14543-3-10 (Alliance)

"The EnOcean technology is an energy harvesting wireless technology used primarily in building automation systems; but is also applied to other applications in industry, transportation, logistics and smart homes.

Modules based on EnOcean technology combine micro energy converters with ultra low power electronics and enable wireless communications between batteryless wireless sensors, switches, controllers and gateways."
Overview Video

Frequency: 315 MHz, 868 MHz, 902 MHz
Range: 300m Outdoor, 30m Indoors
Examples: Wireless switches, sensors and controls
nfc-phoneNFC - ISO/IEC 18092 and ISO/IEC 14443-2,3,4,  JIS X6319-4

"NFC is a set of short-range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 10 cm or less. NFC operates at 13.56 MHz on ISO/IEC 18000-3 air interface and at rates ranging from 106 kbit/s to 424 kbit/s.

NFC always involves an initiator and a target; the initiator actively generates an RF field that can power a passive target. This enables NFC targets to take very simple form factors such as tags, stickers, key fobs, or cards that do not require batteries. NFC peer-to-peer communication is possible, provided both devices are powered"

Frequency: 13.56 MHz
Range: < 0.2 m
Examples: Smart Wallets/Cards, Action Tags, Access Control 
bluetoothBluetooth (SIG)

"Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength radio transmissions in the ISM band from 2400–2480 MHz) from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks (PANs) with high levels of security."

Overview Video

Frequency: 2.4GHz
Range: 1-100m
Examples: Hands-free headsets, key dongles, fitness trackers
wifiWiFi  (Alliance)

"Wi-Fi is a technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections. The Wi-Fi Alliance defines Wi-Fi as any "wireless local area network (WLAN) products that are based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) 802.11 standards"
- 802.11a/b/g/n/af, WiFi DirectWPS
Overview video

Frequency: 2.4 GHz, 3.6 GHz and 4.9/5.0 GHz bands.
Range: Common range is up to 100m but can be extended.
Applications: Routers, Tablets, etc
weightless-sigWeightless (SIG)

"Weightless is a proposed proprietary open wireless technology standard for exchanging data between a base station and thousands of machines around it using White space (wavelength radio transmissions in unoccupied TV transmission channels) with high levels of security."
Overview video

Frequency: Varies with legislation (470 – 790MHz)
Range: Up to 10km
Data Rates: 1kbits/s to 10Mbits/s
Examples: Smart meters, traffic sensors, industrial monitoring
gsmGSM (Association)

"GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is an open, digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services.

Terrestrial GSM networks now cover more than 90% of the world’s population. GSM satellite roaming has also extended service access to areas where terrestrial coverage is not available."
Overview video

Frequency: Europe: 900MHz & 1.8GHz, US: 1.9GHz & 850MHz, Full List can be found here.
Data Rate: 9.6 kbps
Examples: Cell phones, M2M, smart meter, asset tracking

2013年4月20日 星期六

技術 - DIY Hardware

latest DIY project or prototype.

panStamps are small wireless modules programmable from the Arduino IDE. Each module contains an Atmega328p MCU and a Texas Instruments CC1101 RF interface, providing the necessary connectivity and processing power to create autonomous low-power wireless motes.


The TinyCircuits TinyDuino is an Arduino compatible board in an ultra compact package. Imagine the possibilities of having the full power of an Arduino Uno in a size less than a quarter! 

arduino-unoArduino Uno

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. 


A finger-tip sized, Arduino compatible, wireless enabled microcontroller, low cost enough to leave in all of your projects! 


The XinoRF is an Arduino UNO R3 compatible electronics development board with an onboard 2-wayCiseco SRF data radio, which supports over-the-air programming.

See Also: RFµ-328

openkontrolCiseco: OpenKontrol Gateway

The OpenKontrol Gateway is the product everyone (including us) has been eagerly waiting for. It supports WiFi, low power RF (many types), Ethernet and Bluetooth. It's designed to be used 24 hours a day so it's incredibly low power at just half a watt (based on XRF radio, XV wifi module, SD, RTC and SRAM).


A wireless, web-ready microcontroller with WiFi, LiPo battery, & built-in radio. An API to get your board talking to the Web right out of the box.

raspberry-pi-modelbRaspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It's a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does.

beaglebone-blackBeagleBone Black

BeagleBone Black is a community-supported development platform for developers and hobbyists. Boot Linux in under 10 seconds and get started on development in less than 5 minutes with just a single USB cable.

The Cubieboard is a new Allwinner A10 based developer board, with a very wide range of IO options. The board is set apart by offering SATA and an extended pin interface for low level access to the SOC.

arduino-dueArduino Due

The Due is Arduino's first ARM-based Arduino development board. This board is based on a powerful 32bit CortexM3 ARM microcontroller made programmable through the familiar Arduino IDE.

mbed1mbed - LPC1768

The mbed Microcontrollers are a series of ARM microcontroller development boards designed for rapid prototyping.

The platform includes a standards-based C/C++ SDK, a microcontroller HDK and supported development boards.


pcDuino  is a high performance, cost effective mini PC platform that runs PC like OS such as Ubuntu and Android ICS. The platform could run full blown PC like OS with easy to use tool chain and compatible with the popular Arduino ecosystem such as Arduino Shield. 

flyportOpenPicus Flyport WiFi

Flyport is a powerful and low-cost system on module (SOM) with embedded Internet connectivity.
Flyport transforms a sensor into an internet datalogger, a simple relay - into a remote controlled automation and much more.


Based on the popular 1.2Ghz ARM Allwinner A10, the Hackberry A10 developer board is a powerful, hackable Android / Linux PC. The Hackberry A10 has both WiFi and Ethernet.


UDOO is a multi development platform solution for Android, Linux, Arduino™ and Google ADK 2012. The board is designed to provide a flexible environment that allows to explore the new frontiers of the Internet of Things.

waspmoteLibelium Wasmote

Waspmote is an open source wireless sensor platform specially focused on the implementation of low consumption modes to allow the sensor nodes ("motes") to be completely autonomous and battery powered, offering a variable lifetime between 1 and 5 years depending on the duty cycle and the radio used.

rascal-microThe Rascal
The Rascal is a small computer that you can use to monitor and control the world remotely. It's like the brains of an iPhone, without the corporate overlord. The Rascal is powerful enough to handle real web traffic, but you don't have to be a professional electrical engineer to use one.

技術 - Using HTML5 and mbed for the Internet of Things

技術 - Build the Internet of Things with

2'22" iDigi Device Cloud與Force.com介接架構

2013年4月19日 星期五